Eaton Legal Services
Endowment Claims
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Legal Disclaimer
We deal with missold endowment claims on a no win no fee basis and if the complaint is unsuccessful we will not make any charge to you. Our claims are completely risk free and you will not have to fund or pay for any expenses during the course of the endowment compensation claim. If you would like free advice on the telephone, without obligation, just complete the contact form.
The No Win No Fee scheme is more correctly known as the ‘Conditional Fee’ scheme. The basis of the scheme is that we will only be entitled to be paid our fee if we win the claim and you receive compensation. If the case is lost you will not receive any bill for work carried out on your behalf and we will not be able to claim any fees for our time which we will write off. If after talking to us you decide not to proceed further you will not be charged for any initial advice. Our charges are in the form of a success fee and we will only expect payment if you succeed in your complaint and are offered compensation.
The minimal data which you supply in our form is only used as contact information to allow us to contact you for the purposes of arranging a claim for a missold endowment. Your personal contact details will never under any circumstances be passed on to any third party who is not directly involved in the progression of your case for compensation. If any of the information that you supply on the form is incorrect we will immediately alter it at your request. We delete all personal information held by us at the conclusion of the claim. The information from the contact form is kept on password protected computer hard drives and is backed up regularly to zip and/or CD media which is kept securely off site. Our website does not capture any personal information about you or your computer when you merely visit our website. We will make available, at your request, all file information on your missold endowment complaint, to you or your appointed agent.
This website is an advertisement for ‘Eaton Legal Services’ which is a UK claims company. Whilst every reasonable effort is made to ensure that the information on this website is accurate we cannot guarantee that it is always up to date due to the ever changing nature of case law and legal precedents. The information provided is definitely not intended to be legal advice and is for general guidance and educational purposes only. Do not use the information that you read here to disregard legal advice or to delay seeking legal advice from a qualified solicitor or barrister. No contractual relationship is intended to be created between you and the website or the proprietors thereof which is not a firm of solicitors.
0845 456 8669